Blackman Middle sure is blessed
We always try to set ourselves above the rest;
What would make this year a complete jewel
Is receiving a filling station from Water is Cool @ School.
Smyrna and Blackman were two of 25 Tennessee middle schools to receive “Water’s Cool @ School" grants to replace an existing water fountain with an Elkay bottle filling station.
The grant program, created by Delta Dental of Tennessee, aims to educate students on the benefits of drinking water, as well as help make it more accessible during the school day.
While we already have one water filling machine
There are more needs than what is being seen;
Not only are there a plethora of faculty, staff, and leaders
But in the halls, there are 1,600 sets of sneakers.
Schools are encouraged to submit creative projects with grant applications that highlight how water is good for your health, what makes a healthy smile or why the school needs a water bottle filling station.
“From musical numbers to detailed science fair-style posters and mystery-themed videos, students from across Tennessee found creative ways to make drinking water – which is often dismissed as boring and plain – exciting and fun,” said Dr. Phil Wenk, CEO and president of Delta Dental.
“We were so impressed by the grant applications and projects we received and appreciate the time and interest of every school that applied.”
In addition to their new bottle filling stations, all 25 selected schools will receive toothbrushes for students, faculty and staff. The Top 5 schools will also receive water bottles for every student, faculty and staff when their bottle filling stations are installed.
The kids not only need water for everyday thirst
But also when students feel their worst;
Sickness, dehydration, and athletic perspiration
Yet, full water bottles ensure full participation.
Because of this, we ask for your aid
To help Blackman Middle stay top grade;
Complete access to water would be extremely helpful
So all of our students can be successful.
The Top 5 schools are: Jasper Middle School (Jasper), Munford Middle School (Munford), North Parkway Middle School (Jackson), Surgoinsville Middle School (Surgoinsville) and Northeast Middle School (Jackson).
To view the full list of 25 grant recipients, visit